The Ultimate Guide to Automating Your Email Marketing Campaign

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Photo by Brett Jordan

Ever wish you had a direct line to your customers instead of trying to constantly grab their attention in a sea of social media posts? Say hello to email marketing campaigns. 

Part of having your small business digital ready is email marketing. You might not deem it a top priority now with all the hype around social media, but imagine if social platforms vanished overnight – would you still have a way to reach your customers? That’s where email steps in as your reliable, direct line of communication. Not only that, email marketing has been hailed as a game-changer for any business. 

The numbers don’t lie. According to Forbes, there are 4.48 billion users globally (and growing!), it’s a huge opportunity you can’t ignore. Stats show that 81% of companies and 64% of small businesses already use email to connect with customers and boost sales. It’s budget-friendly and super effective, especially for small businesses looking to build loyalty and compete with big players. Plus, nearly 90% of marketers plan to keep or up their email spending because it delivers awesome ROI. Half of them even say it’s their top channel for engagement and conversions. Bottom line: if you’re not using email marketing, you’re missing out big time.

So, where do you begin? 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up and automating your email marketing campaign

Plus, some tips to make it really shine!

Step 1: Choose Your Email Marketing Platform

First things first, pick an email platform that suits your style:

  • Mailchimp: It’s super user-friendly and free for the first 2,000 subscribers. Perfect for testing the waters without a financial commitment.
  • Flodesk: Great for creatives and businesses with visual appeal. Their templates are gorgeous, and there’s no limit on subscribers, which is a win.
  • ActiveCampaign: More advanced with lots of automation features. Ideal if you need to segment your audience for different offers or promotions.

Step 2: Import Your Contacts and Segment

Get your contacts organized and ready to roll:

  • Gather Data: Make sure you have all the details – names, emails, and anything else you need to personalize your emails.
  • Upload Contacts: Use your platform’s import feature to bring in your list, and don’t forget to segment them based on interests or past interactions.

Step 3: Create an Awesome Opt-In Form

Encourage sign-ups with an irresistible opt-in form:

  • Design It: Use the form builder to create a form that’s visually appealing and clearly explains what subscribers will get.
  • Embed It: Add the form to your website or set it as a pop-up to capture those leads.

Step 4: Set Up Your Email Campaign

Now for the fun part– sending those awesome emails:

  • Define Your Goals: Decide what you want each email to achieve – whether it’s introducing your brand, promoting a new product, or just staying in touch.
  • Craft Your Emails: Keep it personal and engaging. Use the drag-and-drop editor to make your emails pop.
  • Automate It: Set triggers so emails go out automatically based on subscriber actions, like opening an email or clicking a link.

Step 5: Monitor and Improve

Keep an eye on how your emails are doing:

  • Check Analytics: Use your platform’s analytics to see how many people are opening your emails and clicking your links.
  • Try A/B Testing: Test different subject lines and content to see what gets the best response.
  • Refine Your Strategy: Use what you learn to tweak your emails and make them even more effective.

So, why bother with all this? Here’s why it’s worth it:

  • More Engagement: Personalized, timely emails keep your audience interested and coming back for more.
  • Learn and Adapt: Analytics help you understand what works so you can keep improving.
  • Scale Up: Automating means you can handle more subscribers without more work.

But we’re not stopping there. He’s a bonus Some tips to make your emails stand out:

  • Personalize Your Sender: Skip the “no-reply” emails – use a name people recognize to build trust and connection.
  • Less is More with Images: Too many images can clutter your message. Keep it clean and focus on clear, engaging text.
  • Know Your Audience: Tailor your emails to what your audience wants. B2B? Keep it professional and to the point.

Ready to take your email game to the next level? A killer email marketing campaign keeps your audience hooked and your business growing. Embrace the power of email.

Want to brainstorm an email campaign that’s right for you? Our Selfmade mentors are here to help. Book a mentor session today!

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August 13, 2024

Emily Oberman

